Wednesday, March 8, 2017

The Lake Isle of Innisfree - more!

Hello everyone,
Here's a treat: W.B. Yeats reading his poem, "The Lake Isle of Innisfree"

Innisfree! From that fountain of knowlede, Wikipedia...
Approaching the Isle by small boat:

Clay and wattles!

About Yeats: 

In a larger context: Celtic Revival

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

SOSTENUTO presents a musical feast for the TTBB!!

Hello tenors and basses,
With permission from Daniel Dovinh (choir/SU alum and founder - director of the acapella group Sostenuto), I am posting these clips of "Loch Lomond" and of the Vittoria "Magnificat." Enjoy!

can't get this thing to put them in chronological order -

First, Vittoria "Magnificat"

Here's "Loch Lomond" at Daniel's senior voice/conducting recital:

here's "Loch Lomond," 2013!

and, 2012

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Ante-penultimate concert tips

Hello everyone,

Well  - here we are ;-)

A few things I have found to be helpful, vis-a-vis concert prep:

1. Eating carefully before and especially /on/ the day of the performance.
2. Making sure that I'm well-fueled (more than I think I'd usually need!) and well-hydrated before the performance.
3. Getting enough sleep!
4. Physical activity on concert day, for its own sake - to get the blood flowing
5. Stay away from alcohol between now and concert time, please. Many of you will also find it useful to limit or eliminate caffeine and sugary drinks on concert day.

CONCERT ATTIRE GUIDELINES  ARE ON PAGE 4 OF THE SYLLABUS!!! Take time to review these and to govern yourself accordingly. We are not wearing uniforms - but we DO need to project an atmosphere of overall "uniformity."

S/A needing long black (dresses, tops, skirts) - I recommend Deseret.
find them on FB here and here

NOTE! Anyone with special issues regarding attire, please discuss them with Doc asap if you have not already done so. Thank you.

Do not smoke in your concert outfit.
Do not wear scented products (perfume, cologne, aftershave, scented shampoo/soap/body gel, etc. It may be useful to have a stash of scentless products marked specifically for concert wear!

Alcohol: Look here:
Smoking (tobacco and marijuana)

Please pamper yourselves a bit right now.

Rest well, eat well, stay hydrated, keep on keeping on with score study/listening/fixing "spots" - and invite EVERYONE to this event!

In musical solidarity,

Making music is an act of revolutionary empowerment!