Hoping that all of you enjoyed a summer that was (in turn) restful, exciting, energizing, lazy, productive, creative, and flat-out FUN :-)
RETURNING STUDENTS: Please check your Seattle U email for an important message from Doc. The annual meeting for returning choirfolk is on Tuesday, September 19 at Doc's house. BE THERE!!!
We have lots of wonderful music planned this year, including Fresh Music! Yes, recent and new compositions by some of our own folk:
Nicky Manlove - "His Eye is on the Sparrow," first performed Spring 2017, to be performed at Lenten Prayer, 2018
Maria Dougherty (now Maria Vega) - "Adoramus Te, Christe" - classic piece written some years ago, featured on the new Chapel Choir CD! - to be performed at Christmas 2017)
Joseph Tancioco - "Silent Night" arrangement, our perennial favorite at Christmas, PLUS a new arrangement commissioned for Spring 2018!)
Doc - "Love's Lament," first performed 2015, plus a new piece - both to be performed at Lenten Prayer 2018)
Lee - Missa Animae "Kyrie" (Christmas 2017), Missa Animae "Sanctus" and "Agnus Dei" (Lenten Prayer 2018), PLUS a new piece commissioned for Spring 2018 concert!)
Question for us all: What act/s of revolutionary empowerment can and WILL we perform for ourselves and others this coming academic year? Yes, learning to read music is /definitely/ an act of revolutionary empowerment! So is learning to sing well. So is maintaining a consistent, disciplined approach to our work together. Think about it!!
See you soon!
In musical solidarity,
PS. Here's a little marching music to set you on your way: the divine Ms. Aretha Franklin!