Thursday, November 24, 2016


Hello everyone,

Well - here we are!
Our Christmas concerts are just eight days away.
From extensive experience giving solo recitals AND 9 years of full-time work as Assistant to Our Leader, I offer the following:

After that - make sure that you are:
1. Well-hydrated
2. Eating well - and DO eat a bit more than usual on concert days - performing uses extra energy (blood glucose) - be prepared!
4. Avoiding alcohol, 'herb' and excessive caffeine the week of the concert. Recreational substances can wreak havoc on the vocal folds. The body being your instrument, singing is really an athletic activity. Respect yourself!
5. Lay out your clothes at least 2 days beforehand - that will give you time to mend / clean / complete your outfit. SSAA NOTE: Please be sure that your outfit is properly modest, viewed from /all angles./ Re-read the outfit guidelines in the syllabus and CONTACT ME if you have ANY questions!
TTBB NOTE: I don't have any more spare bowties. Make sure that you have all the "small items" you need RIGHT NOW and tuck them into the pocket of your tux coat, or whatever you need to do in order to keep everything together.
The concert outfits are stipulated according to voice part. Sopranos and Altos wear dresses and quiet shoes. Tenors and Basses wear tuxes and quiet shoes.
6. Everybody: You'll be in close quarters on the risers - please avoid scents and scented products on concert nights. Many people have fragrance sensitivities - I wouldn't want anyone to be unable to sing freely because they're unable to BREATHE. Cologne that can be pleasant at a short distance, can be absolutely LETHAL at close range. NO FRAGRANCE OF ANY KIND, please! And - Biological body odor counts as a fragrance (it is definitely a smell, yes?!)
7. ALERTNESS. Concert week is intense. Be prepared for this intensity. Embrace this intensity. Ride to victory on this intensity.
8. Remember - vocal folds are small. They work constantly, even when you're not singing! it's crucial that they be functioning at 100 percent capability and capacity these final 8 days! Do the "eeeeeeeee" exercise at least 3 times a day. Wear a disposable face mask if you must spend a great deal of time "in public." (Who cares how it looks? This is Seattle!). If people around you are hacking, snorking,  sniffling, and/or spewing, GET AWAY FROM THEM!!!!  Do not (I repeat!! DO NOT) touch "public" surfaces with your bare hands. Bring germicidal wipes to the computer lab and use them on the keyboard. (Most economical way is to buy a big container of wipes and throw 3 or 4 into a plastic ziplok baggie every day).
Wear a scarf and keep your head / feet/ hands warm and toasty when outside.
Go easy on the "dairy" or avoid it altogether during Concert Week. "Shirley Temple toddies" (honey, lemon, warm or hottish water) are soothing and help keep you hydrated and glucose-d ;-)

Tell your body that you expect cooperation! Insist upon it! You'll be amazed by the power of mind over matter ;-)

I commend everyone for their conscientious behavior and respectful adherence to the rules associated with our concert venue. It's important that we continue to be Great Guests! We need to score 100 percent on this one, y'all...Let's continue to set a positive, inspiring example of great guest-ship in our remaining three Christmas Concert-related visits!

that said, it pains me to report that after our dress rehearsal on November 21, I found 4 partially-filled bottles of the "snack-time" water in the nave. One of the bottles was uncapped. Doubly not good! I know you will take care of this. Just a reminder...please look around before leaving and make certain that you pack out EVERYTHING you packed in (either before rehearsal or after snack break).

People will love us, and many of them will want to express this verbally. Our crew and section leaders and house team will ALSO need to clean up and inspect the space. Please move towards the "exit" as you talk to people. Crew needs to have the front of the church cleared so that they can take down risers and move a number of things back into the truck. Help them by moving towards the entrance. On your way, look around and retrieve left-over programs for recycling.

SERIOUS REQUEST: Yes, we have our pizza on Friday. Yes, it's delivered around 10:15 p.m. AND, yes, that DOES give us time to pitch in TOGETHER for cleanup!! With over 100 people participating, cleanup would take around 5 minutes (if that!) With only 6 or 7 people, cleanup can take nearly an hour. PLEASE HELP US TO HELP OURSELVES.  Ask your section leader what you can do to help with cleanup after BOTH concerts.

Drivers: Best drop-off is off 19th Avenue across from Tully's Coffee; just turn into the church parking lot. 
On Saturday 12/3 we must (MUST!!!!!) stay out of the upstairs part of the church (INCLUDING the lobby/narthex) until 7:00 p.m.
Parking: If you are parked on 19th, please avoid parking in front of the church or the parish hall. Move farther down 19th and save close spaces for people with mobility issues, please.

Riders: If you are dropped off on 19th for some reason before 7 p.m. on Saturday, take the outside stairs down to the social hall and go inside. Do not go into the church, please.

This will be my 16th? XC with our group. We get better at some part of this epic, massive undertaking every year. Let's make 2016 another success in every way! 


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