Wednesday, January 25, 2017


Monday SubGroup - Bella Voce - update
The voice part tracks for "Birdsong" were put into DropBox on Friday, January 20th. There are 2 tracks: a S1 track and a DOUBLE track with the parts for S2 and Alto. I made a double track because some of you Altos may be singing bits of S2, and vice versa.

Monday SubGroup - Chamber Singers - updates
1. The voice part tracks for "Erie Canal" and "Under the Willow Tree" are not yet in DropBox, but I hope to have them in DB by the weekend. Check DB on Sunday evening, January 29th. You'll have one week from that time to get "Willow Tree" worked out on your own; the first group rehearsal for "Willow Tree" is on Monday, February 6th.
2. We will cover the Mass part music for our February 5 performance at St. Joe's on Wednesday, February 1.

Tuesday/Thursday SubGroup - Chorale - updates"I Love The Lord" (tenors and basses) - remember 2 things for tomorrow'sperformance in rehearsal (Thursday January 26th):
a.  am conducting/leading it "in 4" for the time being - HOWEVER! we need to feel this "in 2" beginning as soon as possible. You need to remember that it does not begin on a downbeat! Remember that the music actually begins BEFORE you start singing!  it's BEAT I love the / LORD"
b. The key changes are easy as pie when you remember that Do (final pitch before the key change) becomes Mi (first melodic tone) in the new key - keep that in mind and find your new pitch accordingly.

"Surely He Hath Borne Our Griefs" - I invite you to sit quietly in a quiet space, cue up the choral recording, and move towards the spirit and message in whatever way you see fit.
And here.
And here...
Those who love Chaim Potok's fiction (?) will remember a relevant sub-plot in "My Name is Asher Lev." ("Brooklyn Crucifixion").

I invite you to move more deeply into the "crucifixion" story. What is happening here? Why? And to whom? (the answer to that last question may surprise you - go with what you find).

I like to do etymological searches when I tackle "Big Concept Words" - here are a few, for starters:


In search of greater musical and heart-understanding,

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