Wednesday, October 28, 2015

And now, the pedal REALLY hits the metal!

Hello everyone,
Today is Wednesday, October 28, 2015.
There are (not counting today and not counting concert day) 36 days remaining in our epic group project.

Actually, honestly, it's more like 26 days. By November 23 (date of our first dress at St. J.), it's best if you are completely comfortable with everything you're doing.

Doc and I will give some instructions for being a good neighbor at St. Joseph - let me open the ground and pre-soak here:

1. This year 2015 marks the 25th anniversary of our concerts in that location.
2. If you were in choir last year, you will remember most of this - if not, please read carefully and take it completely to heart.  Our reputation and (indeed!) the future of our concerts at this location depend upon us following all of the church's instructions and regulations to the letter.

Here are the THOU SHALT NOTs -

THOU SHALT NOT  bring or consume food or drinks of any kind inside the upper level of the church (the narthex/"lobby" OR the nave and transepts. Only water in closed containers may be ingested while in the upper level of the church.

If driving, THOU SHALT NOT park in an area the church officials refer to as "the sidewalk." This is a parking space-sized area right in front of the church. If you will examine it closely, you'll see that there is a drop-off of approximately 1 inch down to the street level. Extend an imaginary line from the curb down 18th Avenue E and this distinction will become clear. PARK ONLY IN THE STREET.

If driving, THOU SHALT NOT park in the loading zone. This area is in front of and slightly to the right of the parish hall. It is marked by signs.

When arriving at the church for our pre-concert activities/set up, etc. THOU SHALT NOT GO INTO THE UPPER LEVEL OF THE CHURCH. Go directly into the lower level "social hall." You enter the social hall through the church parking lot., which faces 19th avenue across from Tully's Coffee (which THOU SHALT NOT bring into the nave).

In the social hall:
THOU SHALT NOT TALK LOUDLY OR MAKE OTHER NOISE IN THE HALLWAY OUTSIDE THE SOCIAL HALL. The church allows homeless men to sleep in the gymnasium opposite the social hall. They have an early bedtime (compared to our rehearsal times) and we MUST be very quiet.

THOU SHALT NOT MAKE OR LEAVE A MESS. Pack out what you packed in. Help check pews for lost objects, rehearsal orders, etc. after we are done. Don't assume "somebody" will do these things. We're in this together, We are those somebodies!

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