Hello everyone,
This quarter has been warping by like the frets on a guitar - days seem to get shorter as we approach the Singularity!
(get out your umbrellas - metaphor shower ahead)
A few words for your delectation at this critical time.
(pause while I pull on my Auntie Lee hat)
1. TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF. Eat well, sleep well, breathe deeply, dress for the weather, stay away from alcohol and other intoxicants, and stay away from people who are sick! Don't touch anything "public" with your bare hands (everything from toilet flush levers to door handles to bus pull-cords - ESPECIALLY do not touch anything on a bus with bare hands.) If you use the computer lab, bring sanitizing wipes with you and CLEAN THAT KEYBOARD before you put your fingers on it.
Your pores are "pore-tals" to a variety of tiny critters, many of whom do not have your best interests at heart.
If you have to spend a lot of time in filthy places (as I do, being dependent upon public "transit" to get around) - wear a face mask and MOVE AWAY if you hear coughing/sneezing/snorky sniffles etc. within 3 feet of you. Better safe than sorry.
2. Take your echinacea! Drink your hot ginger tea! Stay hydrated in general (plain water is the best thing - drink hot water with a slice of lemon in the mornings). Buy and start taking some "Airborne!"
3. If despite all precautions, you feel something invade your germ barriers, go to work against it AT ONCE.
Extra water
Extra sleep
Extra garlic, citrus, and sunlight
Keep your head and extremities warm. If it's difficult to fall asleep at night, try adding a knit cap and warm socks to your sleep ensemble.
Extra portions of hot fluids
Lighten up your diet - don't force your digestive system to cope with dense food.
Gargle with warm lightly salted water.
If you know how to use a neti pot, get going with it.
4. What works for one person may not work for another, but certain things seem to work for everyone: hydration, plenty of rest, sensible eating, stress reduction, anger management.
If you know a Reiki practitioner, ask them if they'll give you a brief treatment.
(takes hat off)
The very most important part of our final countdown, however, is not physical but attitudinal.
Here are a few power words for you. It's amazing what keeping one of these power words in mind can do for your mood and accomplishments during the day.
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