Tuesday, December 1, 2015


Hello everyone!
Wow, Chorale really rocked today in noon section! Your enthusiasm and energy were palpable. And Betelehemu sounded so great with Denny on congas. Just think how rocking this will be in the church with Denny, Thione and the alums! You are leaders of the pack - do it proud!

Putting on my Aunty LP hat here: with 3 days to go, it's really important for everyone to begin making extra deposits in the Sleep Bank. Eat big, eat well, rest, keep your head neck and extremities covered! I'm amazed by how many people (choirfolk included, alas!) I see running around outside with uncovered heads and necks. Your voice lives in your head and your air passes through those hard-working little vocal folds to emerge in all of its glorious majesty. Give yourself a bit of extra pampering right along through here.

Stay hydrated!! 

Save the beer for Saturday night AFTER the concert! Alcohol does bad things to your vocal folds (not to mention the rest of you ;-( And please, don't "Smoke" (cough, cough - ahem...) smoking ain't great in general and "Smoking" is about the worst thing a person can do to their poor vocal folds.

We're almost there, folks...almost ready to serve the magnificent musical feast we have jointly been preparing since September. This is Mile 24 of the marathon - press on with determination, spirit, and alertness - and victory shall be ours ;-)


Here's a little re-interpreted Handel for your enjoyment. The album is titled "Handel's Messiah: A Soulful Celebration." I am on my 2nd CD of this album; I absolutely wore the first one out with repeated playings.

"And He Shall Purify"

"Hallelujah Chorus"

and, the great Al Jarreau..."Why do the nations..."

See y'all tomorrow!
LL&P and in soulful singing solidarity,

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