Thursday, January 18, 2018

A LOT OF GOOD INFORMATION about Next Week's Guest - Dr. Ben Bernstein!!!

Hello everyone,
We will be honored with a working visit from renowned performance psychologist, composer and coach, Dr. Ben Bernstein.

Ben Bernstein's website - take some time to look around, it is a fascinating place!!

Specific info about Dr. Ben!

Here is a vimeo link to Ben's one-act opera, "The Man in the Mirror," which was performed right here a few years ago - starring Ross Hauck!!!

Here's a wonderful link to more of Ben Bernstein's work - plenty of links to check out! Read about "Singers Gym" while you're at it :-)


Ben will be here on Wednesday and Thursday, January 24 and 25.
He will be working with our various choral permutations and with individual singers in a masterclass setting.

I'll ask Doc to publicize the time of the masterclass session - it's always wonderful to perform for an audience, and there's this thing called


Stay tuned!

In musical solidarity,

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