Thursday, April 12, 2018

Spring Music Notes:: "Chariot," 2 Krenek madrigals, Lauridsen SOTSN

"See the chariot at hand" -- Robert Bridges - AMAZING - have a look.
My guesstimate placed Mr. Bridges in the 18th century because of a "vibe" I was getting from the poem...
It was interesting to discover that RB was a staunch advocate of prosody and even wrote an entire book about Milton's prosody.
John Milton wasn't 18th century either (!) - but hey, average the 2 and I'm right!

About the composer, Ralph Vaughan Williams (btw "Vaughan Williams" is his complete surname).

Ah, that chariot! Seems this is a popular theme...Here are a few examples.
and this
and this

Sing Me to Heaven - the composer speaks. Do read all of this article - it is by turns interesting, enlightening, heartwarming, inspirational, and a little bit heartbreaking as well.

Ernst Krenek - "Summer Again / The Fairies' Song"
Here's a page with original and ?modern?! texts, in context!
Shakespeare in ?modern?!! text - - who does this? PERISH THE THOUGHT. But anyway, have fun reading this excerpt from "A Midsummer Night's Dream."
Curious? Have a look here.
"Summer Again" - text by Alfred, Lord Tennyson. I'm kind of happy that Mr. Krenek changed the title!
Some of us know Tennyson for this poem (well, perhaps just Doc and I: we're old!!) Others of you may have encountered this magical verse.

I'm sure that you'll want to know all about this poet, creator of such wonderfully vivid, evocative verse.
Sure on this shining night - James Agee, text
Here's the text all by itself. I chose this internet reference because of the discussion in the comments, and because a bit of bio about the poet appears in the right-hand sidebar onscreen. One-stop shopping!

Samuel Barber composed a transcendentally beautiful setting of this poem. Have a listen. (Original setting, for tenor and piano) There's also an SATB version.

Here is another wonderful setting, by Jay  Giallombardo, for TTBB. OVERTONES beautiful.

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